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Come Share My Stories, Told Through Pictures As an amateur photographer, I wanted a place to display the photos that, to me, tell stories about me and about the majesty of nature. I also thought I could share a few photography tips with other amateur photographers out there, in a shared effort to improve my own skills and help you improve yours. |
Glimpses of Venice With 400 bridges and 114 canals, Venice is a tourist's and photographer's dream. Uniqueness and stories seep out of each slight bend in Venice's narrow corridors and calli (paths). Look on my Photo pages for pictures of Venice. |
Getting Places in Venice This picture shows some of the boats that act as lifelines for the citizens of Venice. Venice is famous for its gondolas, which work well for traveling on shallow water, but, in reality, residents travel using motorboats--the always-black gondolas are reserved for tourists. |
Beginning Photography Tips |
Let There Be Light As this picture demonstrates, lighting can show the glory of the ordinary. For the best results, take pictures in the morning and evenings; the light at dawn and dusk brings depth and softness to objects and people. www.moretips.com |